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 1. Jeffrey Hoffman  Lecture 20: EVA and Robotics on the Shuttle  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 2. Guest Lecturer - Pete Young  Lecture 10: The DoD and the Space Shuttle  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 3. Guest Lecturer - Sheila Widnall  Lecture 15: Space Shuttle Accidents  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 4. Guest Lecturer - John Logsdon  Lecture 04: The Decision to Build the Shuttle  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 5. Guest Lecturer - Gordon Fullerton  Lecture 22: Test Flying the Space Shuttle  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 6. Guest Lecturer - Bob Sieck  Lecture 14: Ground Operations - Launching the Shuttle  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 7. Guest Lecturer - Anthony Lavoie  Lecture 21: Systems Engineering for Space Shuttle Payloads  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 8. Guest Lecturer - J. R. Thompson  Lecture 06: Propulsion - Space Shuttle Main Engines  MIT OCW: 16.885J/ESD.35J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005 
 9. Dj sigma7  Robotics  Robotics 
 10. Dj sigma7  Robotics  Robotics 
 11. soce, the elemental wizard  Robotics  The Awakening 
 12. SolidWorks Corporation  Robotics Education  SolidWorks Podcast 
 13. Ari Daniel Shapiro  Underwater Robotics  15 May 2009 
 14. Over The Edge  Robotics part 1  2003-08-28 
 15. Diesler  Ruckus Robotics - Here We Go  Tracks On The Rocks Sampler 
 16. Over The Edge  Robotics part 2  2003-09-11 
 17. Kayla Carlson  Robotics Theme Song   
 18. Dr. Apostrophe X  Morning @ the Robotics Factory  Sins of Omission 
 19. Dr. Apostrophe X  Morning @ the Robotics Factory  Sins of Omission 
 20. HAPPY APPLE  Free Lance Robotics  The Peace Between Our Companies 
 21. ATSMIX #55 with Dave & Johnny  Robotics with Daniel Wilson  AboveTopSecret.com 
 22. Robots Podcast  Robots: Modular and Reconfigurable Robotics  Robots - The Podcast for News and Views on Robotics 
 23. Network World Staff  Q&A: How Pleo dinosaur will change robotics  Network World Panorama 
 24. Super Furry Animals  The 'Shuttle'  Do Or Die 
 25. The 2 Mellow Boys  Luv shuttle  Luv shuttle EP 
 26. The 2 Mellow Boys  Luv shuttle  Luv shuttle EP 
 27. Diversity Radio  ebrd -lecture yergin - lecture   
 28. Mark Griskey  Stealing The Shuttle  Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords 
 29. Dr. Tony Phillips  Shuttle Sightings  Science@NASA 
 30. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast267: A Discussion about Lego WeDo Robotics at NECC 2008  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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